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Support and Service - Download resources

What resources are available for download?

Why are some Product Manuals only available on the website and don’t come with the equipment?

What do I do if I can’t find what I am looking for?


What resources are available for download?

Our aim is to provide the best possible products and service to our customers. In pursuit of this goal, we offer you many resources which can be downloaded directly from our website – 24/7.

Available for everyone:

  • Product brochures and photos
  • User manuals
  • Software trial versions
  • Logos

Available with partner log-in:

  • Information about dedicated products for our OEM customer
  • Product Manuals – including dedicated OEM Manuals, Pre-installation Manuals, Installation Manuals, Service Manuals, Instructions, etc.
  • Operational software
  • Customer Support Notes/Tech Notes
  • Marketing materials


Why are some Product Manuals only available on the website and don’t come with the equipment?

In 2009, Glunz & Jensen made the decision to move our offset processor manuals on to our website, instead of sending them on a CD with the equipment, as we had done earlier. Our primary reason for making this change was so that our customers would always have the latest data on hand and so that these resources were always available – not just when our customer support team was at the office.

Since then, we have added many other resources to the website, including software updates and Customer Support Notes with the relevant support materials.

In 2012, we introduced WebConnect and took our online support to a whole new level. WebConnect allows equipment owners and operators and dealers to monitor their equipment in real time from any computer terminal, enabling them to optimize its operation and performance. This technology will soon also be available on our flexographic equipment.


What do I do if I can’t find what I am looking for?

If you can’t find the resources you are looking for:

  1. Check that you have logged in to the website.
    All Glunz & Jensen dealers and partners are entitled to a free partner log-in, which provides access to many more resources on the website. Register here for a partner log-in.
  2. Look on the relevant product page.
    All resources which are related to a specific product are linked to from the individual product page.
  3. If you still can’t find the resources you are looking for.
    Call or write to our customer support at customersupport@glunz-jensen.com and we will do our best to help you.

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