Our family of exposure systems is the most successful equipment on the market. Well-proven technology, in combination with innovative ideas provide high UV output characteristics and consistent plate quality.
We manufacture exposure units in three sizes to accomodate all flexographic plates sizes. All of our exposure units feature a cooled bed and a pneumatic lid that automatically opens and closes. Lamp cooling, PLC control and light integration are also included on all models.In addition, our exposure units are available in a number of variations which can include drawers for additional storage space, an integrated dryer,
and/or a light finisher.
At Glunz & Jensen, we work tirelessly to develop fully automated, integrated systemes to improve process optimisation. Our goal is to help you process flexo plates faster and more accurately, while lowering operating costs and the risk of human error.

Available models
Flex-Pose 360/420
The Flex-Pose 360 and 420 exposure units are available with a variety of different integrated features and have a pneumatic lid which opens in landscape-fomat. In addtion to exposure on a cooled bed (EC), these units can include a 4-drawer plate dryer (D) and an integrated light finishing drawer (LF).
Available models:
- 360 ECLF / ECDLF
- 420 EC / ECLF / ECDLF
Flex-Pose 520
With its automated lid which opens in portraitformat, this exceptional exposure unit includes a cooled bed (EC). It is also available with an integrated light finishing drawer (LF).
Available models:
- 520 EC / ECLF
Fiber optic indicators provide quick visual status of UV lamp operation.
Industrial grade electrical controls, with standardized components for high reliability
High power UV lamps provide short exposure intervals with consistent results.
Fast and easy access for maintenance operations. Main components are conveniently located in drawers and inside the top lid.
Easily accessible drawers for drying and light finishing processes.
Convenient ergonomics and increased productivity with automated pneumatic top lid opening and closing.
Contact us

Nigel Walsh
Sales Director, Flexo
Europe, Asia, Rest of world
+45 5768
+44 7860 670